Basic Gameplay


  • Stay alive, find Lisa, and escape from the facility
  • As players defeat bosses, they gain access to new abilities.
  • Most enemies are psychic immune. You must use your powers to find ways to hurt them such as pushing projectiles back them. Enemies must be hit with sufficient force or an explosive to be damaged.
  • You can use your powers in interesting ways such as dropping a force vortex and using push and pull to slingshot explosive projectiles back at enemies.

Level Types

  • Escape
  • Survive
  • Massacre

Game Objects

  • Wood crate: useful for killing enemies, but easily destructable; can drop powerups
  • Metal crate: too heavy to use against enemies; indestructable
  • Button: press with E114 or a projectile to open the gate that the button linkes to
  • Gate: blocks your progress until the correct button is pressed.
  • Health Pack: heals anyone that pick it up
  • Poison Packs: hurts whoever picks it up; can be used to kill enemies
  • Explosive crate: filled with gunpowder that detonates when hit by an explosive or a shockwave; very heavy
  • Cannon: fires cannonballs that explode on contact; cannonballs are heavy, but can be redirected; industructable
  • Laser: fires a powerful beam that obliterates most objects; use metal crates to block the beam
  • Metal block: indestructable wall
  • Wood block: wall that can be destroyed with any explosive


  • Health: contact with enemies and projectiles will all hurt you. You can also be hurt if you pull an object into you with enough force. Players can collect health packs to gain health back.
  • Pyschic Power: drains as you use abilities and regenerates over time. Psychic push and pull slowly cost very little PP. Passive abilites like energy ball and force vortex slow regeneration. Shockwave drains all your PP and puts regeneration on cooldown for a short time.
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